Are you Flying Blindly?

Posted by Garonne Decossard on

Yesterday I went for my yearly physical. I have always been vigilant about doing my routine appointments but since becoming a parent, that discipline has intensified.  I intentionally show up for myself just as much as I show up for her and others. I can't raise her if I am not here or not well.

To my surprise, the family practice where I went ran my blood work AND posted the results the same day! I barely had time to sign up for their online portal and I was already notified my results were ready.

Even though no news is good news with doctors, I like to look at my results.

My results interpretations were "normal"  according to my doctor.  however I opened each tests to review the numbers myself. Laboratories always add the "normal" ranges of each test next to your results so that you can somewhat interpret where you stand. I noticed my LDL (bad cholesterol) was close to the highest value of the range. I reached out to my brother to discuss a plan of action. He said it was nothing to worry about, it was only  "mildly elevated" which a little more exercise will fix. We have all suffered with reduced physical movement this pandemic!

Midly elevated one "Mil" and two "dly" too elevated for me!

He praised my HDL (good cholesterol). He said it puts me on track to follow the paths of my great great grandmother ( who died at 115 years young) and my grandmother who currently is 104 years old living in Haiti.

Honestly I didn't really hear the praises, all I saw was "mildly elevated" LDL. I am now flying eyes wide open!

What if I didn't stick to my appointment to get tested. What if I rested on the fact that no news/ call from my doctor is good news and not bother to log in and review my results myself? What if I didn't have the privilege of having a brother who is a physician who I can text the PDF of my results to for a second opinion. What would my results look like next year if I made no changes to my diet or exercise regimen? Let's normalize acting before things are deemed "bad" or "out of range". By that time, prescription will be the first thing recommended to us.

I share all this to remind you to make sure you are always aware of your health and where you stand in the normal ranges. This will guide your actions and choices.

Being in the beauty business, I know it's very easy to get distracted by products and tutorials, and techniques in our quest of beautiful hair and skin. But have you taken the time to see a dermatologist to get to the root of the challenges that you are facing?

Seeing a dermatologist will give you an opportunity to have all the diagnostic tests needed to see where you are and help guide you on what you need to do to get to your goal.

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I wish you health, happiness and the presence of mind

I hope you fly eyes wide open in your hair journey!




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